Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rockstars of tomorrow

Everytime I watch tv or the net, I always get fascinated by the latest ads. Worth mentioning are the Intel Rockstar Ad featuring the co-inventor of the USB (yes, the flash drive), where co-employees of Intel flock to him and ask for autographs, one guy even flashing his homemade Ajay shirt with his impression on it. Very brief ad, but really sends the message across with the line --Our rockstars aren't like your rockstars. Very cool, indeed.

Another ad that never ceases to amaze me is the Dos Equis ad where it shows the "Most Interesting Man in the World." The whole commercial goes on showing the man (personified by actor Jonathan Goldsmith) living "vicariously," playing pelota in what seems to be a circa late 1970's home movie. Up til now the whole thing doesn't make sense to me but it is interesting and does make you want to grab a beer bottle, not necessarily Dos Equis though.

So far these two have rubbed off good impressions on this viewer. Will post more comments as I scour the web for more. Ciao.

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