Sunday, January 14, 2007


Hello Blogosphere.  It's time.

I am sure that anybody who'd come across this page will think I stole the idea from Charlotte Church's latest album, Tissues and Issues...Well, in a weird sense, yes.  But you'll have to give me credit for the wordplay as well.  Primarily, the reason why I chose this title is because I'll most probably be writing about issues, and be using up a lot of tissue in the process, for the issues that will be dealt with will be mostly about global and national issues, and personal stuff as well.  

Time and again I have always been saying there's no perfect time than now to publish my musings, though I know nobody will ever get across them anyway, but what the heck.  I planned on writing a blog for the longest time imaginable...and then the pc at home broke.   I tried once, on friendster, but then it's not really something you'd really want people who have difficulty with comprehension read, so might as well do it somewhere where I'd be shrouded with anonimity...

About me.

I'm fat. Yes, this has been a constant problem for me... I've tried lots of means to get rid of the chumminess, but, to no avail.  Well, I guess I'd better be happy with what I have.  If, come a time I lose it, well and good.  If fate dictates that I be stuck with it, then, so be it.  I'm 29 years old as I speak, a civil serf, single, not-so available, and quite happy with that fact.  The eldest in the family, I've always felt that it is a 
huge responsibility--being the one to take care of the decision-making processes.  Have two younger siblings--the one next to me being a special child, with Down's Syndrome.  The youngest is supposedly "working" on his thesis in college, and simultaneous with that, married, with one kid. We were orphaned of a father four years ago.  And that was when I started to take on much 
responsibility.  Oh God.  I'm babbling here.

Do bear with me.  This is, after all, my maiden publication.  I hope to do better next time.  
No, I WILL do better next time...

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